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A Day in the Life of a Multi 5-figure CEO

India Butler, woman sitting on chair
January 2, 2022

by India Butler

In a recent Instagram story takeover, I shared a peek into how I schedule my CEO days when running my multi 5-figure business.

[CEO days: one day where you focus solely on tasks that move the needle in your business. It’s a time for putting your boss hat on and working on the internal projects that will grow your business and help you hit those big goals you’ve set.]

If you’re at all like me, you love being nosey and having a peek into other people’s lives. So, let’s go:



Wake up to my alarm and I pop the light on as quickly as possible (…or in most cases, my fiancé will turn on the overhead light on to shoo me out of bed). I’m the kind of morning riser where even if I had a super well-rested sleep, I could still easily fall back to sleep if I let myself so I need a kick up the butt to get out of bed.

I then cuddle Marvin, my cocker spaniel and I plug in an audiobook or podcast to listen to as I get ready for the day.

Into the kitchen to tidy up, put on some laundry and get some quick house-related chores done/out of the way. I struggle to focus if I know my home isn’t clean (serial procrasti-cleaner over here…).


Time for breakfast = usually it’s either Special K with dark chocolate, porridge with oat milk and honey, or I’ll treat myself to crêpes (my French mother’s recipe).

Then, I’ll make myself a coffee. I like to have it after I’ve eaten my breakfast as a sort of “reward”.

*insert TikTok audio “it’s like a reward”*

I like to spend the first 2 hours settling in for the day ahead and getting non-business related tasks done.

One of my biggest frustrations when I was a full-time teacher was how rushed and chaotic the mornings always felt. I quite often wouldn’t have slowed down and even gathered my thoughts until the school day was over. I am so grateful that I have built a business that allows me to slow down.


The work day begins!

First task is to show up on Instagram stories and then spend 5-10 minutes responding to DMs and comments from the day before.

Then, I’ll post my pre-planned content on Instagram and TikTok. [I post once a day on Instagram and 2+ times per day on TikTok.]

One of my 2022 goals is to be super intentional with my time on social media and so this morning slot is for engaging and posting – no scrolling!


I’ll head to my desk in the office and start by checking my emails. Then, I’ll pop over to Voxer and check-in with my 1:1 clients.

I do calls on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, therefore my CEO days fall on Mondays and Fridays. Some weeks, I’ll take Friday off altogether (priorities!).


Creativity strikes!

I’ll write a blog post or record a YouTube/podcast for the week. I really enjoy creating content – it always feels like I’m sitting down and having a 1:1 conversation with someone. There are days where it can feel a tad lonely so I love any opportunity to reach out and connect with others!

Each month, I’ll do some market research so that I know what content my audience needs most. I’ll compile a list of topic ideas, headlines, keywords to use and a CTA (call to action) so that I have an abundance of ideas to choose from when it comes to creating my content.


Walkies! I’ll plug in my audiobook or podcast and take Marvin out for his morning walk. I get my best ideas on our walks (or in the shower).


Lunch break. I’ll take a full hour off, make some lunch, doddle about the kitchen tidying and then I’ll do something just for me.

Lunch is often a quick cashew noodle dish or leftovers from the night before.

I’ve recently just started getting a book out and reading for 20 minutes on the couch. There’s a strange feeling that I’m doing something wrong when I read at lunch time, most likely a lingering teaching norm that we must scoff our lunches at our desks and in a panic. I’m sure that exists in many other professions still.


Back to work.

I like to use the afternoons to work on upcoming projects and/or offers that I’m launching 😉 .

I’ll either be updating my launch schedule on ClickUp, creating content for new offers, building sales pages, or working through the layers of my automated funnels to make sure everything is working smooooothly.

I’ll also pop on to TikTok to post again and then repurpose my educational or inspirational content from other platforms over onto Pinterest.


Walkies! Who knew spaniels love to play fetch? Marvin can never get enough.

I always plug in a podcast or audiobook when I’m walking (or doing anything mindless). If you don’t have this habit yet, I highly recommend it. There are so many pockets of time during the day where you can expand your knowledge and mindset.

I am learning every. single. day. and it helps me grow my business infinitely quicker and more efficiently because of it.


Time to get Marvin’s food ready, and then start on the human food.

I have a food blog so cooking is where I can really get creative and there is nothing I love more than making a meal for my fiancé to come home to from work. I often tend to glare at him from the kitchen until he compliments the smell.


Then I’ll spend a final 5-10 minutes on Instagram engaging with my community before I switch off for the day from social media.

I’ll spend the remaining portion of the evening either spending some time with my fiancé, watching something on Netflix or relaxing with a bath.

Anything and everything I want.


Start the night time routine!

My partner and I have recently knuckled down on our night time routines and it has been a godsend for us.

We’ll both do our skincare regime, my fiancé will move a “million” pillows off the bed and proceed to complain about it, before we both climb in and crack open our books.

On numerous occasions, I’ll fall asleep with the book open on my chest and my dignity out the window as I drool deliriously. Reading always sends me straight to sleep. Some days I just touch a book cover and I’m ready for a snooze.

…and that’s it!

Did any of it surprise you? Let me know!

Hi, I'm India

I'm a business strategist, marketing maven, sales savant, curriculum and education specialist, systems obsessed, mama, and multiple six-figure entrepreneur (revenue earned, not net worth), on a mission to find out just how good life can get by building a profitable, freedom-first business.

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I'm India Butler

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Business strategist, entrepreneur, mentor, podcaster, speaker, teacher, CEO mama, world traveller, multi-linguist, human design enthusiast, energetics facilitator, and a hearty food-lover.