I'm India

well hello there.

Multiple entrepreneur, business strategist, marketing maven, educator, podcaster, writer, content creator, mother, expat in Cairo, and just a girl from Scotland on a mission to see just how good life can get.

a trip down memory lane

Born and raised in Scotland, driven by freedom.

As a daughter and grand-daughter of entrepreneurs and business owners, the fire to step out and make something of my own was always there.

In fact, my dad's favourite story to tell is the time that he was called up by an internet provider looking to speak to a Ms. India Butler, the owner of Amore Cioccolatte.

This was how he found out his 12-year old daughter had set up an artisan chocolate business with a website and registered domain name. I was in business, taking orders and with a full inventory, too! 

But, the drive for freedom and entrepreneurship was always eclipsed by something a little bit stronger...

...the compulsion to make the world a better place than I found it.

Animal conservation? Marine biology? Volunteering?

After 6+ years in the events and hospitality industry making my way into leadership, I eventually found my way into the world of education. 

I joined a presitigious fast-track programme to accelerate my teacher training and I became a qualified teacher. I felt alive in the classroom and a fire was lit that has never ever gone down since.

But, the drive for freedom was strong. And so was the desire to make an impact. 

Anything I could to do some good and make the world a better place.

"Money doesn't change you. It amplifies who you already are."

The world needs more money in the hands of good people.

Whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness has never used their money to do good. 

I quickly realised that teaching wasn't this noble vocation where you step into the classroom and change these students' lives forever. Yes, I was doing good. 

But, the thing that I felt ashamed to admit for years was that it was never going to be enough for me. I knew I was meant for more. I knew I could do so much more.

I wanted to change what it means to be an ambitious woman. Not this power-hungry career-climbing professional but a woman, a mother, a teacher for everyone I could help.

I wanted to experience everything life has to offer, and I wanted the same for everyone, animal and human, too.

And so the adventure begins

With my experience in the events and hospitality industry, my qualifications as a teacher, my upbringing in the world of self-made entrepreneurship (and a few somewhat successful side-hustles along the way), I opened up my laptop and never looked back.

I converted my story, my experiences, my qualifications into the online education and coaching company that I run today. 

I have coached 500+ digital entrepreneurs (and a handful brick and mortar businesses!) to build and grow a profitable, freedom-first business online.

I founded my online company.

Because it's never been about just making more money. It's not even about doing good, either. 

It's about giving the power of choice back to people. Good people. People who have dreams and passions and visions to make the world a better place. If I could make ONE change in the world, it would be to help people like you turn their dreams into reality.

Because that's how the world changes. You.

The ultimate form of freedom is the freedom of choice. And people like you have dreams to not just live life to the absolute fullest because you deserve to experience the best life has to offer, but you also have a vision for the world. A way you, too, can leave this world a better place than you found it.

My job is to help you do exactly that.

It's time to become the CEO of not just your business, but your life. 

India xo


As a former business manager, qualified ex-school teacher, (a few semi-successful side hustles), and multiple six-figure coach, I help digital entrepreneurs build and grow freedom-first, profitable online businesses. The ethos behind my company is to help visionaries like you turn your dreams into reality so you can live life to the fullest and make the world a better place.

quick facts

I'm a 3/5 sacral generator

obsessed with true crime

i once lived in paris

pet peeve? bad grammar

I'm a really good cook

london is my fave city

I have a food blog

i live in cairo, egypt

my home country - Scotland. The panoramic views, the nature, the people.

a few of my fave things

my brilliant one-year old son named Zephyr (after the Greek God of the West Wind and a Red Hot Chilli Peppers song)

a flaky croissant or any pastry for that matter

Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the truly important things.


Favorite indulgence

Häagen-Dazs Pralines & Cream

celeb i'd love to meet

David Tennant or Stephen Fry

Guilty pleasure

Galaxy Minstrels (chocolate)

alternate universe job

Private Chef

favorite place i've been

Marrakech, Morocco 

drink of choice

A good flat white coffee

can't live without

my family

usually craving

Tuscan Chicken

beach vs mountains

Beach any day of the week!

favorite show to binge

Grey's Anatomy

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I'm India Butler

hey there!


Business strategist, entrepreneur, mentor, podcaster, speaker, teacher, CEO mama, world traveller, multi-linguist, human design enthusiast, energetics facilitator, and a hearty food-lover.